Creating and Using Resources

How to create resource folders, add resources and manage resources.

Resources allow you to share a group of files to share with a client. You can add PDFs, images, videos and URL links to resources.

Create a Folder

To get started with Resources, you need to add a folder.

  1. Select Resources in the left toolbar.

  2. Click on the green Add Folder button in the top right corner.

  3. Enter the name of the folder and click 'Create Folder'

Adding Resources

Add a File

You can upload PNG, JPG, GIF, or PDF to a Resources folder (up to 25 MB).

  1. To add a file, open the required resources folder.

  2. You can either choose Select Files or you can drag and drop the file.

  3. To rename the file once it has been uploaded, click on the ellipsis menu (the three vertical dots) and select Rename.

As the size limit for an individual file is 25MB, if you have a large file (such as a recipe guide), you may need to compress the file first. Click here for a free online compression tool.

Add a URL Link

  1. To add a URL link, open the required resources folder.

  2. Click on the green Add Video or Link button.

  3. Select External Link.

  4. Enter a name and add the URL (starting from www).

  5. Click Add Link to finish.

Add a Video

You can add video hosted on YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia.

  1. To add a video, open the required folder.

  2. Click on the green Add Video or Link button.

  3. Select Hosted Video.

  4. Enter a name and add the full video URL.

  5. Click Add Video to finish.

Managing Resources

Once a file is added, you can rename, preview, update, move, or delete as needed.


To preview a link or file, you can either click on the open or eye icon next to the name or you can click on the ellipsis menu (the three vertical dots) and select Preview.

Rename, Update or Delete

To rename, update or delete a link or file, click on the ellipsis menu (the three vertical dots) and select the required option.

Rearrange or Move

To rearrange the order of the links or files, press down on the drag handle (the three horizontal lines to the left of the name) and move as required.

To move the link or file to another folder, click on the ellipsis menu (the three vertical dots) and select Move. Choose the folder you want to move the link or file to, and click the Move File button to finish.

Managing Folders

Once a folder is added, you can rename, duplicate/clone, or delete as needed. Open the folder and click on the Options dropdown in the top right corner.

It is not possible to rearrange folders, but, as they display alphabetically, you can number the folders to make the appear in a specific order.

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