All About Communities

Communities are for you to connect with your clients & clients to connect with each other.

Communities are the group aspect of Coach Catalyst. Inside Communities, you have a way to connect with your clients inside of a group within the app. There is no longer a need to run groups on social media if that doesn't fit you.

Every Coach Catalyst user has a General Community for every client in your account. This 'general' group can be renamed and will include every active client.

Based on your account tier, you will have the ability to create custom communities. If you do not have the # of clients to be at a tier, you can still upgrade to that tier to get access to custom communities.

Coaches can delete any post or comment. Clients/ Members of a Community will be able to edit their own posts.

On the right sidebar, you will see a list of clients and their most recent activity within the community. It will show how engaged they are and clicking a client's name will pop open the sidebar allowing you to privately message any client easily.

How to Add Coaches to a Community

  1. Open the community you wish to add or remove the coach(es) from

  2. Click on the gear icon

    Click on the gear icon
  3. Click on Manage Coaches

Click on Manage Coaches
  1. Search for the name of the coach(es) you wish to add

Search for the name of the coach(es) you wish to add
  1. Select the coach(es) to add

Select the coach(es) to add
  1. Click Done

Click on Done

How to Remove Coaches From a Community

  1. Open the community you wish to remove the coach(es) from

  2. Click on the gear icon

    Click on the gear icon
  3. Click on Manage Coaches

Click on Manage Coaches
  1. To remove coaches click Remove beside their name

    To remove coaches Click on Remove
  1. Click Done

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