My Client Cannot Access the App

How to troubleshoot when a client can't access the app.

These are just a few steps to troubleshoot this issue:

Is your clients using the MyCoach or your personalized Branded App? I occasionally see clients try to use the Coach Catalyst app - this is for coaches only. 😊

Check to make sure the email address they are using has no spaces/ or capitals. Sometimes the space will be after the email address, it's always worth checking.

Are they using the password they got in the email or a password? I suggest sharing their app code which is in the client's dashboard. This is a six-digit numerical code that will work for the password.

App Code

To find a six-digit client's app code, go to the Clients tab and search for the client (either using the search bar or cmd+K). Click on the clients name and then go to their dashboard tab.

If this is still an issue please message us in support or email: and we will get this working for you.

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