Forms give you the ability to do check-ins with clients. These forms could be challenge check-ins, weekly check-ins, pre-workout check-ins, along with anything you want to create.
Assigning a form to a client or program
Where can you create forms?
Forms can be created under the Programs tab inside a program OR from the forms option in the left toolbar. Forms can also be created and added to a client on the Client Journey. When you create from the client's journey you can create from scratch or add a pre-existing form.
Types of Questions
You have 4 different question types for forms including: text, multiple choice, number, and scale.
Text Questions:
Multiple Choice:
Numerical Questions can be Connected to a Metric.
Scale Questions:
Scale Questions can be Connected to a Metric.
Assigning a form to a client or program
From the client's journey or inside a program click the '+' on the day you want to add the form. Then select a form you have already created or build your form.
Here is the screen when you hit the '+' to add a form to a program or journey.