Creating Discounts on Products

You have the ability to create discounts on products when you are running promotions. You can have multiple discounts on each product

Discount codes give you the ability to run promotions or multiple promotions at a time. When you create a product you have the ability to create a discount code for the product.

When creating the Product under the Price Information you will be able to add the discount. These discount codes can be in dollars ($) or in percentages (%).

Setting Up Discounts

First step is to create the Coupon Code and type in the name for it. This name should not include any spaces but be all one word.

You will then set the amount of the discount in dollars or percentages. You can run multiple discounts at a time.

Sharing the Product Link

When you are sharing a purchase link for a client, you can directly choose the discount code for a client. If you want a client to get a discount you will want to give the client the link with the discount directly.

If you do not want to share a discount code you will want to use the checkmark select discount code option on the dropdown, it will be the original price.

If you send a client the product without the discount code attached they will not be able to enter the coupon code. If you want someone to have the discount, be sure to send them the correct link.

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