How to use Progress Photos

Best practices for using progress photos with your clients

I'm sure you've hear it before... a picture is worth a thousand words. 

Giving your clients the ability to easily track and view their progress can be a huge boost. But it can be tough to figure out an easy way to record, store and share those photos. 

Coach Catalyst makes it easy! 

This article is going to go over how to create basic progress photo metrics within the software so both the coach and client can upload and view them at any time. 


The first thing you need to do is set up the correct metrics within your coach account. 

To start, click on the Metrics tab on the left sidebar.  

If this is your first time setting up a metric, you'll see a few sample metrics you can use. 

To make it simple, we're going to set up our own. Select Photos then click the Add Photo in the top right corner.

Name your photo (example below is 'Food: Breakfast). Toggle the Auto Assign to on or off as needed.

Hit the Create Photo button. Now repeat these same steps for other photo metrics.

Make sure to toggle the auto-assign to on for them to be visible to all your clients. 

You're all set to start tracking progress photos with your clients! 



Now that you have the correct metrics enabled, go to the Client Index page and click on the metric icon within a client row. 

Click on the Photos tab within their profile and you'll see all their enabled photo metrics. 

Here, either you can upload a starting photo for them or they can add their own from the web or app. 


Clients can always view this from their phone as well which cuts down on your time trying to send these pictures back and forth. 

If you ever want to turn off a progress photo for a particular client, just switch the toggle on their photo card to off and it will be hidden from that client. 

All their previous data will be saved and will reappear if you ever turn the metric back on. 


Those are our best practices on Progress Photos! Let us know if you have any questions on how to use them in your business. 

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